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Croeso i CarTrefUn // Welcome to CarTrefUn

Menter Perchnogaeth Gymunedol yn Hermon Sir Benfro //

A Community Ownership Initiative in Hermon, Pembrokeshire.

Ein Stori // Our Story

Ein stori hyd yn hyn // Our story so far..

Mae Capel Brynmyrnach wedi gwasanaethu cymuned Hermon ers 1888.

Yn 2022 fe’i prynwyd trwy raglen benthyg a chyfranddaliadau cymunedol a rhoddwyd cynllun adfer ac adnewyddu uchelgeisiol ar waith i’w drawsnewid yn ganolfan dreftadaeth, caffi a fflatiau fforddiadwy.


Capel Brynmyrnach has served the community of Hermon since 1888.

In 2022 it was purchased through a community loans and shares programme and an ambitious restoration and renovation plan put in place to convert it into a heritage centre, cafe and affordable flats.


Cefnogwch ni trwy ddod yn aelod //Support us by becoming a Member

Helpwch ni i drawsnewid y capel yn Ganolfan Dreftadaeth, Caffi a thai fforddiadwy trwy ddod yn aelod.

Mae aelodaeth yn costio £30.

Anfonwch e-bost at am fwy o wybodaeth.


Help us to transform the church into a Heritage Centre, Cafe and affordable housing by becoming a member.

Membership costs £30.

Please email for more information.

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