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Y stori hyd yn hyn // The story so far...

Mae aelodau’r capel wedi bod yn llwyr gefnogi’r cynlluniau cymunedol i adnewyddu’r capel yn ganolfan dreftadaeth gymunedol ar y llawr gwaelod gyda’r llawr cyntaf yn troi’n 2 fflat ar gyfer menter tai fforddiadwy lleol. Mae'r dyfynbris gan adeiladwr lleol yn dangos bod y gost o atgyweirio'r to, y waliau a gwrth-leithder o £55,000 yn swm sylweddol i'r capel ei godi. Penderfynwyd mewn cyfarfod i weithio gyda’r gymuned i gadw’r adeilad fel ased cymunedol. Y bwriad yw gwerthu’r adeilad i’r grŵp cymunedol am £40,000 gyda’r arian hwn yn cael ei neilltuo i gynnal a chadw’r fynwent am ddegawdau i ddod. Mae 25 o enwau wedi dod ymlaen yn dangos diddordeb mewn bod yn Angylion Benthyg ac i roi benthyg £2,000 yr un. Mae gennym £34,000 yn y banc heddiw a byddwn yn cysylltu â’r 8 person arall eto dros yr wythnosau nesaf. Y gobaith yw y gellir cyflogi cyfreithwyr ym mis Hydref 2022 i ddechrau cyfnewid contractau a phrynu gan yr ymddiriedolaeth gymunedol.


The members of the chapel have been fully behind the community plans to renovate the chapel into a ground floor community heritage centre with the first floor becoming 2 flats for a local affordable housing initiative. The quote from a local builder showing that the cost to repair the roof, walls and damp-proof of £55,000 was a considerable sum for the chapel to raise. It was decided in a meeting to work with the community to keep the building as a community asset. The plan is to sell the building to the community group for £40,000 with this money being devoted to maintain the graveyard for decades to come. 25 names have come forward showing an interest in becoming Lending Angels and to lend £2,000 each. We have £34,000 in the bank today and the remaining 8 people will be contacted again over the next few weeks. It is hoped that solicitors can be engaged in October 2022 to commence the exchange of contracts and purchase by the community trust.



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